Healthy self-care tips for introverts
As an introvert, you may find the idea of social distancing appealing. Although each individual has personal preferences with regard to the amount of time they spend with others, one outstanding characteristic of introverts is their desire for alone time. But during a crisis, alone time can feel very different than it does normally. So here are some healthy strategies from Diarly to help you through this global pandemic.
Exercise Regularly
Whatever your dedication to self-isolation, regular exercise is a must for your mental and physical well-being. Luckily, fitness doesn’t have to be a group activity. There are a number of great solo cardio activities, like running, swimming, and cycling to help you stay in good shape.
If you prefer to work out at home, there are a variety of useful home fitness apps you can download onto your Watch or iPhone. For instance, there are audio-guided fitness apps that let you work out from home, the gym, or outside, so you can stay fit wherever you are. For a more centered workout, you can find apps designed to help you learn and grow with yoga exercises and routines for all experience levels.
Journal Your Journey
Journaling is a tried and true way to benefit you in a number of ways. Positive Psychology notes that it’s been shown that, when you get your thoughts and feelings down on paper — or, in the case of Diarly, in digital form — you’re better able to cope with depression, anxiety and stress. What’s more, studies have found that journaling can boost your immune system, help with a better quality of sleep, lower blood pressure, and keep you healthier in general.
Focus on Healthy Eating
If you’re an introvert, even going to the grocery store or stopping at a restaurant after a long day of work can push you over the line into utter exhaustion. Luckily, there are ample food delivery services and apps available these days, plus many grocery stores offer curbside and contactless pickup. Rather than focusing your energy on getting through the parking lot traffic and long lines of shoppers, you can take your time and find healthier foods that are fun to cook.
For great healthy cooking options, look for apps that can give you great recipes and cooking advice, like Forks Over Knives, which offers a variety of healthy plant-based recipes. For a wider variety, try Tasty, a popular app that lets you sort through hundreds of cooking videos and adjust recipe quantities to match servings.
Make Your Home and Work Life Healthier
As an introvert, you may spend more time at home than other people, and there is a lot you can do to make your home a wellness-boosting place to live in. For starters, clutter has been shown to increase anxiety, so you can bring positive energy into your home by going room by room and selling, donating, or getting rid of nonessential items. Next, make sure you’re balancing your personal life and your work life so that one doesn’t weigh down the other. What’s more, if you work from home, make sure you have a designated area for your job. And whenever possible, try to leave that space behind at the end of the day. This will help you develop a clear separation of your professional and personal life.
If your living arrangements aren’t conducive to a healthy lifestyle, you may want to consider a change. A cramped living space or a roommate could be contributing to unnecessary stress. If you’ve hit a wall, consider moving to a new apartment or rental home. This could give you an opportunity to start fresh in a new space.
Decompress with Meditation and Breathing
Because introverts can be more stressed by everyday interactions, including logging into never-ending Zoom meetings, it is important to take the time to de-stress and relax. Meditation and mindful breathing exercises at the beginning and end of the day can help with this. Try guided meditation to help you get into a centered and relaxed state of mind.
Navigating an interactive world can be draining for introverts. However, by focusing on exercise, diet, and other self-care techniques, you can start making your days healthier. So, keep these tips in mind to help you maintain a comfortable and stress-free existence.
Lance Cody-Valdez
A few years ago, burned out and miserable from his job in corporate marketing, Lance Cody-Valdez decided it was time to invest in himself. He quit his job the following day and used his meager savings to stay afloat as he built a career as a freelance writer and content marketer. He created free-lance-now to help others use freelancing to escape the 9 to 5 daily grind.