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Integration with Siri Shortcuts

Did you know that Diarly can work seamlessly with Siri? By saying "make note in Diarly", Siri will prompt you for content and then add your text to today’s entry in the default journal as soon as you open Diarly.

Siri understands several phrases for note-making:

  • "Make note in Diary"
  • "Make note in Journal"
  • "Create note in Diary"

Exploring Siri Shortcuts

Siri Shortcuts, accessible through the Shortcuts app, enable you to teach Siri custom phrases for various actions. This flexibility allows you to tailor Siri for personalized tasks or automations.

For instance, you could set up a Shortcut to ask you about your mood every day at 10PM, and the response would be automatically added to your daily Diarly entry.

Remember, the Shortcut’s name is crucial as it becomes the voice command for Siri to execute the Shortcut.

Creating a Shortcut for a New Note in the “Exercises” Journal

Before starting, make sure you have Shortcuts installed and an “Exercises” journal in Diarly.

  1. Open Shortcuts and tap on the + to create a new Shortcut.
  2. Name your Shortcut, like “New note”. This name is what you’ll say to Siri to activate the Shortcut.
  3. Choose “Add Action”, search for Diarly, and select “Add text to a daily note”.
  4. For “Text”, choose “Ask Each Time”.
  5. When selecting a journal, choose “Exercises”.

Siri New Note Shortcut

Now, try saying "Hey Siri, new note". The Shortcut should run, and upon your next Diarly visit, check the “Exercises” journal for the new entry.

Additional Siri Shortcut Features

The “Add text to a daily note” action lets you append text to any daily note in any journal, providing options to select the date and journal. If you have time separators enabled, your entries will also include timestamps.

Using the “Attachments” field, you can add files to your entries. Imagine creating a Shortcut to take a photo and add it directly to your “Memories” journal.

If there are more actions you wish to see, feel free to let us know!

Community-Created Shortcuts

Discover Shortcuts created by our enthusiastic users: