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Security overview

The free version of Diarly stores the entries and notes in plain text. That means that, if you open database file stored on your hard drive, you would be able to read the entries and notes. This is not a problem if you are using a personal computer, or if you don’t mind other people potentially reading your entries and notes. But if you do want to keep them private against anyone who has access to your devices, you can use encryption.


Encryption is only available to Diarly Premium users.

When you first enable encryption, you will be asked for a password which will be used to encode all your entries and notes and save them on your local hard drive. This means that even someone who has access to your unlocked device (e.g. family members) will not be able to read your entries and notes. Thereafter, it will only be possible to read the content of your entries and notes with this password. If you lose your password, you will lose access to the encrypted entries and notes. Diarly uses RN Cryptor open-source library and follows it’s V3 best practice recommendation.

Please note: files are not encrypted, only note text is encrypted. If you think that would be a good feature to add, please let us know!

Enabling Touch ID / Face ID

If you don’t want to type your password each time, you can enable Touch ID and / or Face ID. This option is available only on devices which support this (currently newer iPhones, iPads and MacBooks).

Keep in mind — when you enable Touch ID, Diarly will store your password in Keychain on a given device. If other users on that device have their Touch ID added as well, they will also be able to unlock Diarly.

Enabling Unlock with Apple Watch

This option is available only on Mac with a paired iWatch. If you enable this option, when unlocking, you will be able to double tap on iWatch to enter the password automatically.

Locking the entries on Mac

You can lock your journal by closing the window or the app. If you don’t want to close the app but are worried you will forget to lock Diarly, you can go to MenuBar > Diarly > Preferences > Sync & Encryption and modify the Lock Automatically option. When this setting is on, the app will require you to enter the password to view the entries again.

Good password practices

Please save the password somewhere you can access it.

  • You can use special password manager apps.
  • You could also consider writing down the password in some secure or special place, such as a special number page in a favorite book.
  • You can also use a passphrase, instead of a traditional password, like a short quote.

The longer the password, the more secure it is. But at the same time, a very long password can make it harder to start journaling quickly. You need to weigh how secure you want the app to be.

Because we care about your privacy, we have made it impossible for us to access or unlock your journal. We cannot recover a lost password or decrypt the entries and notes, so please make sure to have a backup location. Read more about what to do if you forgot your password.