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X-Callback-URL Scheme Documentation

Diarly supports the custom url scheme diarly:// which allows creating links to interact with the app.


Note identifier

You can obtain the <identifier> for the note by right-clicking on the note in the list view and choosing Copy Link. On iPhone and iPad you can swipe left the note and you will have a popup menu where you can choose Copy Link.

<identifier> of daily entries consists of the day and journal parameter:

day          dd-mm-yyyy  - date of entry
journal     name or identifier of a journal to open

If you don’t specify the journal identifier, Diarly will use a default one.

Notes have unique id’s and <identifier> is simply id:

id  		unique id of the note

Please note: Using dates instead of ‘id’ allows you to add identifier to any day in Diarly without the note ‘id’ or even if note exists






Try it: If you are using a device with Diarly installed, you can click here to open note for 1st January 2010.

Append / Add



text 	     - text to append/add to the note specified by <identifier>
<identifier> - please see: note identifier

e.g diarly://x-callback-url/append?day=16-12-2020&text=Hello World

Try it: If you are using a device with Diarly installed, you can click here to append/add “hello world” to today entry

Create note



text 	    - text of new note
journal     - name or identifier of a journal to create a new note in

e.g diarly://x-callback-url/create?text=Hello World



text 	    - text to search

e.g diarly://search?text=@onThisDay

Try it: If you are using a device with Diarly installed, you can click here to search for entries created on this day