On This Day
Discover how to use the “On This Day” feature in Diarly, a unique way to look back at your memories from previous years on the same date.
On This Day notifications
To ensure you don’t miss any memories, you can set up notifications to alert you about past entries.
- Navigate to Settings and select
. - Turn on the
Let me know about past memories
option.- Choose which journal you want to receive reminders for.
- Set your preferred time for receiving these notifications.
Searching for past memories
If you’re looking to find specific memories, you can use the search function:
- Open the search bar in Diarly.
- To find entries from the same day in past years, type
. To narrow your search to a specific journal, type/
followed by the journal’s name.
For more detailed information on searching within Diarly, check out our guide on advanced searching.
On This Day widget
Add the On This Day widget to your iPhone or iPad’s Home Screen, or to your Mac’s Desktop to bring past memories to life by displaying journal entries written on the same date in previous years.
If the entry includes a location or photo, these will also appear in the widget, adding depth to your reflections.
Additionally, badges from your journal entries are displayed, offering a visual way to revisit and highlight special moments.
💡 Learn about Diarly’s other widgets!