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These templates aim to enrich your journaling experience by introducing variety and depth. They're flexible, encouraging you to reflect, be creative, and maintain a daily writing habit. Just follow some straightforward steps to customize your templates in Diarly.

Creating a New Templates

  1. Navigate to Settings.
  2. Select Templates and click on plus icon in the bottom right.
  3. Fill in your template details and save it.
Diarly Settings Writing template

Templates Configuration

Enable the Auto Create option to automatically create a new entry with a template at the beginning of each day. If selecting your templates manually is more your style, you can easily turn off this option in the Templates Settings.

Personalizing your templates

With Diarly, you can add titles and texts, tasks, lists, tags, or favorite quotes; as well as smart content that can change every day — which we'll take a look at in a minute. We recommend using the template text to create a starting ground for your journaling practice. Some ideas:

  • Titles and Texts: Initiate your journal with a question or a thought-provoking statement.

    Example: # What am I grateful for today?

  • Inspirational Starters: Kick off your entry with a reflective sentence.

    Example: My priorities for today are...

  • Lists and Tasks: Organize your day using lists or tasks.


    # Morning routine:
    [] Drink a glass of water
  • AI-Generated Content: Incorporate a random Affirmation or Motivational line.


    Today's Affirmation: $affirmation
    Today's Advice: $advice

Smart Keywords for Dynamic Templates

Diarly's daily templates can be enriched with special keywords for dynamic content:

  • Time & Date

    • $time: Inserts the time separator.
    • $hm: Inserts the current time.
    • $date: Adds the current date.
  • Weather and Location

    • $weather: Displays the current weather based on your location.
    • $location: Adds your current location.
  • Calendar & Tasks

    • $calendar: Shows today's events from your Apple Calendar, including notes and links.
    • $uncompleted_tasks: Transfers uncompleted tasks from your previous entry.
  • Health Data & Activities Import

    • $activity-summary: Shows your activity progress for the day.
    • $activity-steps: Count your steps for the day, e.g 🚶482.
    • $activity-sleep-time: Record last night's sleep duration, such as 😴 8h.
    • $activity-cycle-tracking: Note menstrual cycle days with an 🔴.
    • $activity-workouts-duration: Log the total time spent on workouts, for example, 🏃‍♂️ 1h.
    • $activity-workouts-distance: Track the distance you covered in workouts, like 🏃‍♂️ 5km.
    • $activity-mindful-minutes: Number of mindful minutes you logged for the day🧘 15m.
  • Trackers

    • $mood: Inserts the mood tracker into your entry. A template asking "How do I feel?" will appear in the text. Click on it to open a window where you can personalize your mood.
  • AI-Generated Content

    • $affirmation: Generates random affirmations.
    • $advice: Provides random daily advice.

    To personalize these content, use the Brief Personal Info in the AI Assistant settings.

  • Cursor Placement

    • $cursor: Sets the cursor position in your entry, perfect for longer templates.

Granting Diarly Access

To fully utilize features like calendar integration, location-based services, and health data import in Diarly, it's essential to grant the app access to certain private data. This access allows Diarly to provide a more enriched and personalized journaling experience.

Navigate to Settings App > Privacy & Security on your device. Here, you can manage the access levels for various features, ensuring that Diarly functions optimally while respecting your privacy preferences.

Incorporating these templates into your journaling routine transforms it into an enjoyable and insightful part of your everyday life. Start experimenting with these templates today to unlock full potential of Diarly.